The Everlasting God

Almighty God,

We praise you that you are the eternal God. You are not bound by space and time. Instead, you created space and time and you set their boundaries. You sustain the ground we stand on and even this room where we have gathered for worship.

You laid the foundation of the earth in the beginning, and the heavens are the work of your hands. They will all wear out like a garment, but you are the same. You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. We humble ourselves knowing that you never change. 

And we worship you because you have decreed from eternity to save a people unto yourself. You have loved us before time began. We rest in the knowledge that the Son, our Lord Jesus, will not—indeed he cannot lose any that you have given to him.

So, Father, by your Spirit, tear out our old foundations—and plant our feet firmly on Christ- who loved us and gave himself for us. 

In Jesus name we pray… AMEN!

(Prayer of Adoration, 6/21/2020)