Thankfulness for God’s Work

We have made a bad habit of rushing through the introductions to the epistles. If all of the scriptures are profitable to us, then even the introductions can teach us about God, how he is working, and how we should respond. Take Colossians 1.3 for example:

We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you,

Paul always thanked God when he prayed for the Colossians. Don’t rush past that. Ask yourself, “When was the last time I thought about another believer and was drawn into worship at the thought?” That’s what Paul did. God had accomplished the Colossians salvation. Paul wasn’t able to rescue anyone. God was the strong man who lifted the Colossian believers from death into life.


As I think about the 2-3 close believers that I have been ministering to I get excited about what God is accomplishing in them. I see them hoping in his grace, and trusting in his power. And that excites me. They aren’t trusting in me. I hope they never do. And as I think of them I want my thoughts of them to turn into praise of God and his goodness. I want to immediately move into worship of a saving God when I think of those who have been rescued.

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